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Clear Braces for Teens: What You Should Know About Ceramic Braces

Posted in Orthodontics

Some people choose clear ceramic braces as an alternative to traditional metal braces. However, before you decide on ceramic braces you should consider these important factors. Our Calgary orthodontists list the pros and cons of clear, ceramic braces for teens. 

What’s the difference between ceramic braces, metal braces, and clear aligners?

An orthodontist may recommend braces to help realign and straighten your teeth. Since they are less apparent than regular metal braces, teenagers may prefer transparent braces over traditional metal braces. 

Made of metal brackets, traditional metal braces are somewhat more visible whether you grin, laugh or speak. Ceramic braces include brackets composed of porcelain or ceramic, or in some circumstances plastic. They are less apparent than metal braces as they blend in with the colour of your natural teeth, which should make them less noticeable. 

Clear braces are a form of ceramic braces. They are used to shift the teeth into their new positions by using wires and brackets to move the teeth. Clear ceramic braces are distinct from Invisalign Teen clear aligners, which are transparent, removable and custom-made orthodontic devices that are similar in appearance to clear ceramic braces. 

Important factors to consider with clear ceramic or metal braces

Before choosing between clear ceramic or metal braces, we recommend considering factors such as durability, sensitivity, cost, diet and oral care. 


Metal braces are well-known for their long-lasting performance. Ceramic braces are strong and long-lasting, but they can chip or break if you participate in sports or engage in activities that have a negative influence on your jaw or mouth or are more likely to cause injury. These repairs might be rather expensive as well.


Because ceramic brackets are larger than standard metal brackets, patients may experience moderate irritation of their inside lips as a result of the ceramic substance. Although the difference should be negligible, it is important to bear it in mind if you have a sensitive oral cavity.


Traditional metal braces are normally the most economical choice for orthodontic treatment since they are usually the most effective. Ceramic braces are usually a little more expensive than traditional braces, and certain insurance policies may not cover the additional expense, so it is advisable to verify with your insurance carrier before proceeding.


Patients wearing metal braces or clear ceramic braces should avoid meals that might cause the metal to shift out of place and cause damage to the wires or brackets. Candy, caramel, apples, and popcorn are examples of such foods, although they are not restricted to them.

Additionally, some foods and beverages (such as coffee, tea, cola, and tomato sauce) can stain and discolour the transparent ceramic brackets in the clear ceramic braces.

Oral Care

When wearing classic metal or clear ceramic braces, food and plaque can quickly become entangled in the wires and brackets, causing them to become unusable. As a result, it is essential to practice good oral hygiene habits on a regular basis and to floss after meals in order to keep your mouth clean.

Do you still have questions regarding clear ceramic braces versus traditional braces? We're here to help! Contact our Calgary orthodontists today with any questions you have or to book a consultation.

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